In order to access my consulting services, clients can choose one of my two available consulting packages: hourly (#1) or comprehensive (#2). Within the hourly package, you can customize your budget cap monthly and adjust the services you receive hourly, according to the ever-changing nature of the support you need. Within the comprehensive package, you can enjoy long-term guided support throughout the entire application process, which guarantees the proactive implementation of my four services to their fullest extent.
Consulting Package
Consulting Package
Stay within your budget by selecting your
maximum # of possible hours per month
Don't worry about hourly cost––
you've paid already!
Submit payment in full, one time only,
at the outset of our work together
Submit payment at the end of each month
for however many hours of work were provided
Student requests hourly services à la carte
as needed throughout the month
Student receives comprehensive consulting services
& application guidance throughout the year
Either way...
Discover and receive the unique support that you need
Schedule a free 30–minute consultation to get started
Know that you're never alone in the admissions process